I hit up the dollar store a few weeks ago and the dollar section at Target and this is what I brought home.
-character Post-It type notebooks
-mini gel pens
-rolling stamps
-character socks
-bath poufs (a frog and a duck) and foaming soap
-tiny egg shaped pots and flower seeds
-mini puzzles in tiny tins
-little cars
-powdered drink mix (the individual kind that you pour in water bottles. My kids love these)
-fruit snacks
-juice boxes
The drink mixes and fruit snacks fit inside regular eggs and I was able to fit most of the other stuff inside some XL ones I saved from last year (they had My Little Ponies, cars, and Fisher Price Little People in them from Target and WalMart). I overestimated sizes on some of them so the flower pots and the stamps will have to go in the baskets, but in general I think the kids are going to have some great fun opening eggs this year. I put stickers on some of them (trucks for Ty, butterflies for Kate) so the kids will be able to tell which things were intended specifically for them.
Other ideas from previous years include:
-rubber stamps
-small toys
-any kind of individually packed snacks
For the baskets the kids will each be getting a new soccer ball (Kaitlyn played her first soccer game last night!) some bubbles and giant bubble wands. I like to go with an outdoor theme to get them geared up for summer. This usually includes toys for the sandbox, rain boots, sidewalk chalk, kites, etc. Last year they also got beach towels and pool noodles. But this year I decided we had almost enough sand toys so I only got Tyler some trucks and tractors and went with an art kit and Pixos for Kaitlyn. (and I know my mom is getting them hula hoops, which are big on Kaitlyn's list this year)
So there you have it - in case you needed extra ideas for Easter this year. I'd love to hear if anyone has any other great ideas I may want to use next year.
Sounds like your kiddos were having a wonderful fun Easter! We too have had 4 egg hunts in 2 days and now have tons of candy! We also put coins in the egg hunt here, because they are saving their money up for a Nintendo DS! Or DSi, whatever, but my 6 yr old can tell you the difference. Hope you had a bit of sun today - it was 80 degrees here. No kidding!
Great ideas! Happy Easter!
Thanks for your comments on my Dinner Dilemma post. I enjoyed reading your ideas for theme nights!
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