Slightly belated Holiday Greetings from our little family to yours! Consider this my digital Christmas card to all of you. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas day with the ones you love.
Belated due to major computer meltdown URGH! I'm up and running again with a new computer (which we bought in a panic Christmas Eve but couldn't pick up until yesterday) and I didn't lose any photos/files so happy dancin' going on over here. I was sick to my stomach thinking of how long it had been since I backed up photos - I would have lost this family photo session plus both kids' birthdays and all the other minor events in life for the last 4-6 months. Giant note to self - back up photos regularly! And to you too - quick! Back up your photos!
It's kind of been a month of disasters (like the night of Kaitlyn's dance recital where it was raining cats and dogs and we got to the car only to find out the battery was dead!) and busy-ness around here but I'm taking this week to shake it all off and get back on track so we can start the New Year off on the right foot.
Again - happy holidays to all!
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