Long weekend - woohoo! You don't often hear me say that about the smaller holidays (ie: the ones where I don't plan gifts and activities weeks and weeks in advance) because I usually neglect the long weekends and then end up regretting my lack of planning. But as luck would have this weekend seems to have fallen into a nice little mix of fun and productivity and mostly happy family members all around. Plus, I'm on the winning end of a week-long fight with a nasty little cold, and that would put anyone in a good mood :) However, the combination of the cold then the busy weekend means the blog once again only gets a minimum amount of attention. So I thought I'd do a quick Show and Tell of the red, white, and blue hairbows I whipped up a few weeks ago. I've been messing around with the use of denim for hair accessories as well as some of what are proving to be my favorite fabric flower techniques and combinations. Kind of fun, and like a comfy pair of jeans, I figure a denim hairbow would be pretty versatile and appropriate for almost any kind/color outfit.
I thought the denim and polka dots would be festive without being too over-the-top that it couldn't be worn every day, not just on the red/white/blue holidays. Appropriate for Memorial Day, and just the tip of the iceburg on the ideas I have for 4th of July. We'll see how many of those I get around to in the next few weeks. But for now, it's back to the pool (oh how I'm loving our new neighborhood pool!) and the home improvement projects for one more day :) Happy Memorial Day everyone! My many thanks goes out to not only those in the military (including my wonderful husband) past and present but to the family and friends who support them, on Memorial Day and every day.

*I made the hairbows primarily for my own entertainment and because I like to play dress up with Kate, but I did list the red/white/blue one in my etsy shop.
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