Monday, February 17, 2014

One Little Word - February Prompts

In contrast to last month, it only took me a week to put together my One Little Word prompts for February.  Somehow though, it felt harder.  Maybe because we're getting past the exploring stage and into something more tangible and active?  I haven't felt as if I've kept my word as present in my mind this month either, though that's probably due in large part to how the month has gone, with our 2nd big snowstorm (remember, NC doesn't get snow so it shuts down life for days and days) and catching a nasty cold at the same time - not fun.  Which is why this post has sat unfinished in my drafts folder for the last 10 days. So before I get interrupted or distracted again...

The first part of our OLW prompts was a quick summary of what we thought of the last month.  I kept mine pretty simple by just printing out the journaling cards provided and putting them in the page protector.  The colors work pretty well with what I used for accents in the previous pages, so why not?
 By the end of the year I'll be a pro about not catching the glare off the page protectors in the photos.  Maybe?
One of the few places you will see my handwriting - at least on something I want to look good.  I've never been a fan of it and even in college when I had to practice it over and over for my drafting class it really didn't get any prettier.  I'm sure there's a lesson about my personality or something in there.  (or my family - my brother and sister both have very similar handwriting)  Doesn't really bother me - typing is much faster and easier most of the time.  But in this case it seemed like the best approach for having all the cards prepped and ready to fill out at the end of each month.
The second part of the workshop for February was to create Action Cards based on our intentions for living with our word this year.  It took me a few days to figure out how I wanted to interpret that.  I ended up with 8 for now, though I left some space to add a few more later if inspiration strikes.
One of the trends I've been noticing in my thought processes when I think about living my life with intention is how often I think about/crave the positive.  Quotes.  Blog articles.  Happy ideas.  Music.  Laughter.  It's all reaching out for me right now.  And I think that's reflected in my Action Cards.  They read:
1.  SEARCH OUT THE POSITIVE.  good input/inspiration, recognize happy moments, keep your (good) perspective
2.  Do something SILLY.  Every. Day.
3.  JUST DO IT (this is my reminder to not procrastinate or overthink things.  Just dive in and get it done)
4.  Give them your attention  The kids, Sam, the task at hand - whatever it is, FOCUS.
5.  Sign up for another Color Run 5k and run the whole way
6.  HEAHTY HABITS:  daily exercise/activity, healthy snacks/meals, drink water, cut back on sugar, limit screen time
7.  DANCE (see?  I told you it's calling to me.  I've really been feeling the need to make my life lighter, not so much about going and doing.  So literally and figuratively I want to remember to dance.)
8.  Show Love  (more all-encompassing than "be nice" or "be patient" - plus it works well for Feb, eh?)
Can't wait for next month!

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