Saturday, July 12, 2008

Scrapbook Sketches

My latest (and so far best) cure for scrappers block has been using sketches. My problem has never been picking out the photos or the paper but in feeling creative enough to pull together the layout. And sketches are able to give me a jump start. So I now spend much less time sitting and staring at my pages :) I discovered this a while ago but wasn't blogging at the time. I figured some of you may appreciate the inspiration as well. And no, I don't have a problem feeling like it isn't completely "my work." Sometimes I follow the sketches pretty closely and others I just use bit and pieces, but it's always my own interpretation. And I'm always much happier with these than the ones I have come up with on my own on those days that the ideas weren't flowing.

Here is an example of a sketch. It came from That's my favorite site for sketches but there are plenty of other great sites out there.

my interpretation

oh, I wanted to point out that the above layout is also one of my new ideas in action (ok not all My Idea, I stole it but still.. :) ). I want to create a page each year that kind of sums up the year before for each child. I plan to use the same sketch each time to tie them together. And I plan on putting them in their Birthday Book (which I have only just begun to work on - 8 pages down so far!).

and a few other layouts I've put together recently from sketches

the pg on the right is from a sketch, the one on the left I created on my own to work with it.

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