Monday, May 5, 2014

Deployment Survival Kit

 Ah military life.  Every once in a while it really hits home how hard it can be on families.  We haven't had a deployment in a while but one of my good friends just bid goodbye to her husband for 6-9 months.  The day he left we knew she would have a hard time, so we went over for a Girl's Night of hanging out.  We didn't go empty-handed either.  Another friend and I had a lot of fun putting together a Deployment Survival Kit for her.

Seriously, we went overboard.  It's all my friend's fault for picking a giant bucket for the container ;)
We decorated the container (yes, it's vinyl lettering) and whipped up some fun tags for all the items in the basket.

Inside the basket:
-countdown blocks
-wine glass that reads "Deployment Survival, One Sip at a Time"

-tissues "to wipe away the tears"
-gourmet chocolate "because chocolate just makes everything better"
-decorative toothpicks "to help you pick out the good in every situation you encounter"
-flashlight "to remind you there is a light at the end of the tunnel"
-margarita "for when you just need a DRINK"
-duct tape "to fix whatever is broken"
-lollipop "because deployments suck"
-hand sanitizer/soap "to clean your hands after doing all the manly work"
-paperclip/binder clip "to help you keep it together"
-bottle of wine "for when you feel like wine-ing"
  (some of you that know me are probably thinking, "wait, what?"  No I don't drink, but some of my friends do and I'm ok with that)
-cute pens "to sign your Xs and Os"
-nail polish "remember to take care or even better pamper yourself"
-yellow ribbon "to show the world you support your soldier"
-disguise (I did printable photo prop but it would have been cute with those eye glasses w/ mustache ones too) "for when you just want to hide out"
-coffee drink (energy drink would work well too) "for when you need the energy to make it through the day"

-flag "to remind you what the sacrifice is for"
-notebook/magnetic To Do list notebook "to keep your To Dos in order"
-nuts/trail mix "for when you feel like you're going nuts"

-bubble wrap "to help relieve some stress"
-sewing kit "for when things are falling apart at the seams"
-rope "for when you reach the end of yours, this will keep you going a bit longer"
-Hershey Kisses "until you can kiss your soldier again"
-yo-yo "to remind you there will be ups and downs and it's OK"
-manicure/pedicure kit (or just nail clippers/file) "for when you hit a snag"
-funny/motivational quote (excuse the language - it's not how I usually express myself but it fits her perfectly)

Rather extensive list, right?  Completely over the top. (no surprise - that's how I often do things!)  Five to ten items would have been plenty.  For any of you that want to use the idea, now you have plenty to pick and choose from.  ;)

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