Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week in the Life 2011

I'm doing Week in the Life along with Ali Edwards this week. Click this link if you want more info. Basically it's just taking the time to document what a regular week in your life looks like. I did it along with her last year and really enjoyed it (but shhh! don't tell anyone that I still haven't scrapped all the photos from it yet! They are sitting in a project envelope, along with the papers and journaling and everything I want to use, just waiting for me to actually get back to scrapbooking. What can I say? It's been a busy year).

So despite the fact that we're just coming off a long vacation and part of the week seems like it's not quite normal, while the other part of it feels like it's a little too normal (read boring), I'm jumping into the project. Because if I don't do it while everyone else is and all the inspiration and encouragement is there, well, I probably won't do it. Here are the photos from the first two days. Pitifully few photos. But that's ok too right? Start slow and work up to it. Hopefully more photos of the rest of the week, especially now that kids have noticed I keep pulling the camera out and taking pictures at strange times and I explained it to Kaitlyn and told her to feel free to use the small camera anytime she wanted to.


(laundry and beach trip clean up - that's what you do on Monday's too right?)


(he hates the peel and when I didn't get over there soon enough to take care of it for him, he started hacking away at it with a butter knife)