Saturday, June 22, 2013

Officially Summer

You know what yesterday was, right?  June 21st - the official "beginning" of summer!  We're about two weeks into the summer here, which already feels both endless and as if time passing by much too quickly.  We haven't had many lazy days yet, but I know at some point they are coming.
And see?  The little one is already getting into trouble during down time (actually I have no idea when he did this - I spotted it when I got up this morning.  It's scotch tape and didn't pull off any of the already-chipping paint, so not a big deal other than the fact that he should know better than to put anything sticky on the furniture), at least a little bit.  Usually I combat the inevitable summer "boredom" with a list of Summer To Dos, and this year is no different.  We slowly compiled the list over the last few weeks and Kaitlyn in particular, was very involved in the process.  I love that she wants to read all the books on her bookshelf (she's got a fairly large collection and is turning into quite the reader - just like me!).
I'm pretty happy with everything on the list this year and I think we've struck a good balance between lots of fun and a few things that will feel a little more like "work."  And considering that summer has barely begun and at a quick glance I think we have participated in at least four or five of the items on the list I'd say we have a pretty good start.

So - here's to the first day of summer!  What's on your list??

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Almost Summer!

 It's June!  I know a lot of schools are out at this point and I'm so jealous!  For the last week or two all I have wanted to do is hang out with friends at the pool or in the back yard.  Forget the schedules, forget the Have Tos - just soak up the sun, enjoy the company, and watch the kids have fun! 
We've been going through the paces of wrapping things up - final dance recital, field trips, class parties, Kaitlyn's first time taking the EOG's (End of Grade tests - they are huge here UGH) and Friday was Tyler's Kindergarten graduation/awards/ice cream party (oooo he's getting way too big!).
We are down to the final week of school and I'm just as excited as the kids are.  (Someone remind me of this at the end of July when the kids are driving me nuts and all I want is a day of peace and quiet ;)  )  Since a lot of my time this week will be spent doing final prep work for our Girl Scout Bridging/End of the Year Party I thought I'd better get ahead of things and put the End of the Year School gifts together.  They came together pretty easily this year.  Weeks ago I ran across the After Sun lotion in the Target Dollar section and snapped up a few bottles, knowing I'd be able to use them for something.  Here and there I found the small containers of sunscreen and chapstick with SPF and then I spotted the double wall glasses at IGA for $3 and knew I had it made.  The thing I really like about these particular glasses is that they have the flip top instead of a straight straw, which means much less chance they will spill if you put them in a cooler or beach bag.  I may have to go back and pick up a few for myself!

I found the printable Summer Vacation tag here.  And that's it - quick, easy, cute, and not-too-expensive end of the year gift for the teachers!  The bus driver will be getting the same tag on a Toblerone.  So we're all set!  Now BRING ON SUMMER!